Delivery & Returns
Delivery Policy
Delivery to Kerbside only unless by prior arrangement.
Smaller Items such as steel will be placed somewhere safe, please put in notes on check out if you have specific instructions.
Exact Delivery times can not be given- we do not usually need you to be there . You are welcome to call 0406664550 0n the day of delivery if you would like an estimated time.
If required in a particular location please leave out a sign.
Pallets and Bulka bags require at least 1.5sqm per bag/pallet.
Colour and depth variations may occur on paving- please mix pallets where possible.
If asked to deliver on the driveway we will take all reasonable care however can not take responsibility for potential damage to surface.
Return & Exchange Policy
Please select carefully as we do not normally provide refunds if you have over ordered or if you change your mind. You are welcome to call 0406664550 for assistance with quantities,however the final quantity ordered is the customers responsibility. Please check orders carefully.
Please advise of any concerns before any products are installed. Once products are installed we are are unable to consider exchanges or refunds for any reason.
As we are an online store and many items are dispatched ex pit and ex wholesaler once your order is placed, we can not take returns unless faulty.
Please email if you require a sample prior to ordering.